Ailsh – ein Jahr in Mexiko

Dear Hiltrud:

I have just realized that to day, a year ago one of the most desired adventure of my life began, when I meet you and Dieter and Ailish.

It has been a wonderful year, some times with some fear of not to be at the level Ailish required and the commitment made with you, but as good things in life everything, begin to settle or as a Brazilian writer say (Paulo Cohello) when “ You really want something the whole universe conspires to help you get it”

It is true since the very beginning, I was able to locate the best helper and trainer and good training group, time and relaxation to learn, practice and teach her.

She is doing very well, it has been a challenge to follow her, she is very clever and learn fast so we have, working sessions are not just training, they are fun and joy she has advanced more than the other dogs even adults most of them German shepherds Germany born or Germanlines, both show and working lines.

She does all very natural, no pushing or forcing her in nothing from us, it is the other way around.

Thank you for your trust and Ailsh.

Looking forward to see you soon, and looking forward for another wonderful year with Ailish, her second year of life, many changes for her physically and physiological and challenges for all the involved in her development.


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